Looking for more practice your student can do at home? Below are links to sites and videos that you can use to support learning at home!


Toupie et Binoo – Fun cartoon that students may already be familiar with from watching in English.

Monsieur Madame – Fun cartoon, more complicated and quicker vocabulary than Toupie et Binoo. Mr. Men and Little Miss

Gregg LeRock French Songs – catchy songs!

Téléfrançais episodes – Many students are familiar with these episodes from school, you may remember them from when you were in school!

Phonétique animée – Animated songs focusing on one sound at a time in the French language

Songs by Julie Powers, Alain le Lait (found in a variety of places on YouTube)


IXL – ixl.com is a paid subscription site, but it will let you do 10 questions a day for free. The content is divided very clearly into different skills and grade levels. Make sure to check the grade levels on either side of yours since they will have good practice for your grade as well.

ThatQuiz – excellent practice for computation skills

Khan Academy – online math lessons for wide variety of grades and skills